Heavy duty pallets



Heavy duty pallets designed to withstand intensive use with high loads in the most demanding applications. Ideal for use in automated systems and in high racking, Their extreme durability allows you to optimize the total cost of ownership.



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Key benefits

  • impact resistant and designed for high circulation and rough handling
  • improved total cost of ownership compared to wooden alternatives
  • efficient cost per trip due to durability and lower damage rates
  • sustainable: reusable, durable and recyclable
  • impressive static and dynamic load-bearing capacity
  • ideal for use in the high racking with heavy loads
  • lightweight in relation to maximum load capacity
  • hygienic models: ideal for chemical, pharma and food industries
  • suitable for automated systems
  • suitable for block stacking

Key Information

  • wide variety of footprints available
  • loads of up to 8000 kg static and 4000 kg dynamic
  • safety rims stop goods from sliding
  • upper decks can be open or closed
  • bottom decks with 3, 5 or 6 runners: stackable
  • 4-way entry with standard pallet jack or forklift
  • optional tracking technology for location and temperature
  • made via injection moulding
  • made from recycled and virgin plastic
  • 100% recyclable for a circular and sustainable economy


What are heavy duty plastic pallets?

Heavy duty pallets are remarkably robust and long-lasting pallets designed for constant inbound and intralogistics work. When made of plastic, their total cost of ownership is particularly economical due to their durability and low damage rates.

Our plastic heavy duty pallets are lightweight in relation to their maximum loads, and they are sustainably made with recycled plastics, and are 100% recyclable at the end of their lives.

How big are heavy duty pallets?

Heavy duty plastic pallets are not determined by their size but rather their strength and durability, and they come in a wide range of sizes. Our heavy duty pallets are available in 7 seven different sizes, including common standards, such as:

  • heavy duty euro pallets (1200 x 800 mm)
  • heavy duty industrial pallet (1200 x 1000 mm)

What are heavy duty pallets used for?

Heavy duty pallets are typically used with intralogistics and inbound logistics and so are designed to be in constant use and to carry especially heavy loads. They have high impact resistance, can handle being in high rotation and are specifically suited to use in high racking.


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Unsere Verpflichtung zur Nachhaltigkeit

Wir bei Cabka streben nach nachhaltigen Lösungen. Dieses Bewusstsein treibt uns seit mehr als 25 Jahren an. Es stärkt unsere Innovationskraft, läßt uns wachsen und befähigt uns dazu, die vielen logistischen und ökologischen Herausforderungen unserer Kunden zu lösen. Nachhaltiges Handeln ist heute wichtiger als je zuvor. Die meisten unserer Paletten und Großladungsträger produzieren wir aus recycelten Materialien. Geringes Eigengewicht und die gewonnen Platzersparnis durch nestbare und faltbare Produkte erhöhen zusätzlich die Nachhaltigkeit in der Transportlogistik. Und wir designen unsere Produkte besonders stabil und langlebig. Das spart Ressourcen, reduziert Abfall und verursacht weniger Reparaturaufwand. Wir sorgen dafür, dass der Transport von Waren nachhaltig funktioniert – für Unternehmen, für unsere Umwelt und für die Menschen die in ihr leben.

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